NAPERVILLE, IL — Members of the Naperville Police Department came to the rescue after a pair of sisters had all the proceeds from their lemonade stand stolen. The police didn’t nab the criminals, but they did help the girls recoup their lost money — and then some.
Alizay and Emaan Kashif had set up their lemonade stand outside of their home on June 28, but unfortunately did not get a lot of customers. With just $9 in sales, the Kashif sisters were approached by a group of teens who drove up and seemed interested in buying some lemonade.
Unfortunately, the teens stole the $9 the sisters earned and then fled.
That’s when a neighbor stepped in to help.
Ben Hutchison told the sisters to set up on the corner where he lived, which drummed up business from none other than the Naperville Police Department. Members of the police force who heard the girls’ story showed up with sirens and lights flashing to donate $170 to the lemonade stand.
Neighbors also joined in, helping the girls raise an additional $130. They plan to donate the more than $300 they raised to Feeding America.
After the incident, the Kashif girls visited the Naperville Police Department to bring them treats and say “thank you for your kind donation.”
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