it was standing room only in the Fitzgerald Room at Doyles Pub in Jamaica Plain. The 2009 edition of the New England Runner Pub Series, saw it’s largest crowd in the 11 year history of the series. Thanks to all who took the time to attend the party in this very busy holiday season as well as Mike McGrane, of  adidas, our apparel sponsor who took the pub series to another level with their support this year and we’re happy to have them supporting us again in 2010.

The highlight of the evening culminated with the voting of events to be included in the 2010 race series. The Mighty Meehan 5K, in West Dennis, Ma in September was a clear favorite and voted back in the series for 2010.
Runners also chose to vote the Corrib Pub 5K, in West Roxbury, Ma, usually held in June into the series for 2010 as well.

New England Runner is choosing to place the Portland Trail to Ale 10K in the series again, due to the votes being almost a virtual tie amongst Corrib and Portland for a second year running. The back to back racing weekend in September will separate the “men from the boys”.

Although we are waiting on a confirmed date from the Corrib Pub, the  2010 Race Series shapes up like this:

4/11 – Doyles 5M, Jamaica Plain, Ma
5/23 – Evans Run 5K, Norwell, Ma
6/?? – Corrib Pub 5K, West Roxbury–Usually the first Sunday in June. Still waiting on date confirmation.
9/12 – Mighty Meehan 5K, West Dennis, Ma
9/19 – Portland Trail to Ale 10K, Portland, Me
10/17 – Paddy’s Shillelagh Shuffle 3M, West Newton, Ma